The US space agency (NASA) ensures that the "Dawn" the first successful spacecraft orbiting around the smallest planet - the planet's gravity is about 61 thousand kilometers of the surface of Ceres.
Mission supervisor at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory JPL receive Signals from the "Dawn" that plane the space are in good condition and move with only one ion engine", which indicates that the spacecraft had entered orbit as planned
"After traveling for 4.9 billion kilometers and 7.5 years," Dawn "can refer to Ceres as" residence "- said the Head of Engineering and Director of the Mission" Dawn "Marc Rayman in laboratory JPL in Pasadena - California. "Since the discovery in 1801, Ceres is known as a planet, then as asteroids and dwarf planets", he added.
NASA said in most of the photos were taken "Dawn" on March 1, Ceres looks like a crescent because the position of the spacecraft on the planet that is located far away from the sun. When the "Dawn" emerged from the dark side of Ceres - which is expected in mid-April - NASA scientists believe "Dawn" will send the images sharper, because moving to a lower orbit around the planet